TURPIN - he was a right bastard

The Dark and Dirty Deeds of Dick

Saturday, April 15

The Shadow

There was a rustle,
a snap of a twig,
then a glimpse
a shape behind a tree.

I walked on
holding the few coins I had
tight in my hand
as it grew darker.

There it was again
a scuff on stone
a moving branch
then stillness.

I felt watched
who was waiting for me?
who was watching?
behind the trees.

I pulled my cloak
around me
and my hat, down hard.
over my eyes.

A sudden flurry
bustle of leaves
in front of me.
a thump
a dash,
a trip
soft sickening sweet
disappearing pink

Fuck! - it was the Easter Bunny
I thought it was Dick Turpin.


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