TURPIN - he was a right bastard

The Dark and Dirty Deeds of Dick

Wednesday, April 12


or as most people call them: PIRATES

Robbing from the Rich at the same time as our man Turpin was.

John Rackam, called Calico Jack because of his loud striped trousers [though when this picture was taken they must have been in the wash]

Edward Teach - more commonly known as Blackbeard

Mary Read, one of two known female pirates

When we've finished Turpin, and Rebecca's written her series of 18th Century crime thrillers, and everyone's forgotten the Black Pearl [though not of course the Black Pig] we might tackle the mighty subject of Robbery on the High Seas.


Blogger Daphne said...

Yarr! And I hope you do.

3:53 pm  

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